Andrea Labelle (Andrea Lee Labelle/Callihoo) stole our money

We deem the text on this site to be both true as well as in the public interest, since we have 100,000+ customers
and millions of potential customers and the phenomenon of "friendly fraud" is widespread and highly damaging.
Everything on this page are not statements of independently established facts but our own opinion, based on the
evidence below.

We have very explicit, active, informed contractual permission from Andrea Lee Labelle to publish her private details such as her address and photos of her face. Our records show that her permission was actively given on 2025-01-05 15:27:59 from IP address Before we created this page, she was informed that this page would be the consequence of committing offenses against ourselves as per contract and she offended:


Andrea Labelle bought for $ 278.82 products in our store on January 5, 2024. On the 19th, she sent a rude, ominous message, demanding a status on the order. This was after we'd emailed her the tracking link and shipping confirmation already on the 6th. We immediately responded with the USPS tracking link & status (entered Phoenix dist. centre) and her IP address visited that reply. Knowing that she'd soon receive the merchandise, she then immediately filed a knowingly fraudulent "not received" chargeback with her bank. We we lost over $300 due to the added chargeback penalty.



Andrea collects donations for her
NAZ Mental Health Matters Inc and NAZ Public Resouces at
She also sells jeans at Flagstaff Jeans Co.
She peddles insurance as well.
Andrea Lee Labelle/Callihoo, born 1977.
3465 S Del Mar Ct, Flagstaff, AZ 86005-2770


Andrea Labelle now has our merchandise and our money:

This is her chargeback:

We asked her to repay us in two support conversations with her, but she refused.
She also refuses to return the merchandise.